Monday 7 October 2013

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On Saturday I had my 21st birthday party. It was so much fun! I had people fly in and travel from interstate and intercity to be there. It was such an enjoyable night of singing, dancing and drinking. I spent most of the night catching up with old friends, family and everyone else that came. I didn't have anytime to eat the absolutely delicious food they were serving, but I hear it was good. I'm so glad that my mum put so much effort into my party. She really did go above and beyond what was expected of her. My dad wrote this beautiful poem about raising me. It was so touching and heartfelt.

On the Monday I went down to the coast with my mum and dad who were down from Sydney for my party to see my grandmother and great aunt who weren't able to make it to my celebrations. We drove down in my new car which was great to do. My mum and dad approve.

While I was down there my great aunt gave me some of her shell collection.

When they lived in Darwin my great grandmother owned a farm and one of their workers collected sea shells as a hobby. When he moved interstate he gave his collection to my great aunt and my mum. They are such beautiful shells. I took a few photos. They are all polished and in great condition, a few of them are over 30 years old.

The photo's probably don't show it but the shells above were only a centimeter or so small. They were so detailed and just beautiful. The white one at the bottom was my favourite. It was so exquisite!

This one is a prawn or scorpion fossil.  It was interesting to see what a fossil actually looks like. I've see a few fossil but never held one. It was pretty cool having a little piece of history in my had. My boyfriend though this fossil in particular was pretty cool. My great aunt gave it to him as a gift.


For a long time my great aunt was part of the royal flying doctors service. Whenever they flew out to check on rural patients she'd look for a momentum to bring back her husband. Sometimes it would be food from the local town, a flower from the bush or an interesting rock she'd find on the ground. She found this on her 28th birthday on a Northern Territory flight path. She claims it'll give me good luck. I hope she's right!

This was one of the most interesting shells. At first I thought it was a stone fish shell but no, stone fish don't have shells. Ha!

The above shell used to have quite a poisonous creature that used to live in it. In the bottom photo, see how it cork screws around, on the inside of that, this little crab like creature would store little spears and when it felt threatened would release them. They would hurt really badly and then you'd need to get to a doctor quick smart. I think the shell is beautiful, it's so interesting the patterns mother nature comes up with. So beautiful.

This is my little shell collection. I'm really happy with my little treasure trove today. It's interesting listening to how older people spent their time when they were younger. I would never have thought shell collecting would have been a fun way to spend the time, but after listening to my grand mothers and great aunts stories, I think I may start doing it as my hobby too!

Rexy their little puppy. So cute and adorable. My boyfriend had a nap on the couch before we drove back to Sydney and Rexy jumped up and slept on his chest. Such a sweetie!

Back to work tomorrow. I'm not really excited for it after having such a great long weekend, but, hey, it pays the bills and tomorrow is my actual birthday!! We're having a special lunch at work which is very nice of everyone. I'm also going over to my boyfriends family for a birthday dinner tomorrow night which is always a lot of fun and always a feast!

I hope you all had a good long weekend, Christmas is right around the corner and I cannot wait till I have a good solid week off to socialise, re-energise and maybe go to a day spa. Sadly, I found out today that my partner won't be getting any extra time off over Christmas aside from Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day as his office isn't closing.


Thursday 3 October 2013



Yesterday afternoon was late night shopping so I went down and picked up my beautiful new dress that I posted about here.

I love it just as much as the first day I saw it. However, I definitely need to buy a new bra for it though, it's got a beautiful back and it would be a shame to hide it just because I didn't have the right under garments. It gives me a bit of a mono boob in it with my regular t-shirt bras so I think I need to buy a minimiser bra. God, the life of a busty girl!

While I was at Country Road I also saw the beautiful red dress I mention further down in the same post I linked to above, in my size. I snapped it up quick! I wore it to work today and received a lot of compliments about how well put together I look. I can finally retire the red dress that I've had for a few years that I got on sale at a store called Crossroads. I loved that dress too, but it was well past its expiry date.

When I got home, I showed my boyfriend both dresses which he surprisingly loved both and then as I was taking off my party dress, I got a little bit of my red lipstick on the neckline. DEVASTATING! I was so upset, that was the first nice thing I bought and I ruined it with red lipstick! Luckily, my boyfriend calmed me down and handed me a stain remover wipe. It worked perfectly and everything is A-OK! I highly recommend keeping one in your purse for emergency situations, I do now.

I really can't wait for the weekend, tomorrow is my party, yay! My parents are in town tonight so I may catch up with them tonight.

Do you guys have any plans for the weekend? (if it's not Friday where you are, sorry for rubbing it in your face!)


Wednesday 2 October 2013

It's raining...

Hello Hello,

It's raining in the city today. I really like rain but not when I forget my umbrella! I really should start checking the weather before I leave for work in the morning.
I did check my phone about half an hour ago and it said that it had a 40% chance of raining even through it is 100% raining outside. I should turn on Sunrise and watch the weather on there but I can't seem to do it. I need absolute silence when getting ready in the mornings. Strange, huh? I think it stems back to when I was smaller, there was a "no TV in the morning" rule and I guess it just stuck with me.
Lately I've been really wanting to get back into Pilates but classes are so expensive, almost $50 a lesson! I've been thinking about joining Fernwood Fitness.
It's an all women's gym that offers group classes. It will cost me $26 a week which is a little pricey but with that I have access to unlimited classes and gym facilities, they also provide breakfast, tea and coffee which is pretty cool. I'm currently going to a random 24/7 gym which is alright but I'd really like to start doing weights but I find it so intimidating going into the weight section. What have been your experiences with gyms?

Monday 30 September 2013

Treaty treat

Today was the second day I drove into work. It only took me 25 minutes! Because I got here so early I decided to treat myself to some banana bread ad a coffee. I can't do this everyday but today I will indulge. Yummy!


Sunday 29 September 2013

The Green Frog

Hey there!

I picked up my new car today! It's super awesome! It's a Mitsubishi Mirage in pop green. I went on my first solo drive this afternoon over to my aunts house for a cup of tea. It was scary at first but by the end of it I had settled in and really enjoyed it.

The challenge now is to drive to work tomorrow and find somewhere to park. I am not looking forward to that at all. With time I'm sure it wont feel as daunting but right now, I'm petrified. Watch out for me on the roads :)


Saturday 28 September 2013


I thought I'd share an anecdote from my life today...

Trolley Tracker is a company that works on behalf of a few supermarkets and department stores that have trolleys customers can use that works with the public to ensure that any trolleys that are ditched are collected. You enter the details of the trolley into the smart phone app and someone from the company collects the trolley. Every trolley that they pick up by using the information you provide equals an entry into a monthly draw to win one of five, thousand dollar vouchers.

There is a Woolworths directly across the road from the street my boyfriend and I live on, so consequently people cart their groceries back to their home and then ditch the trolley. Every single day there are three or four new trolleys polluting the street. At first I didn't know that there was a potential prize to be won, I did it simply because I was getting sick of moving trollies out of the way as I walked to the train station every morning but then once I found out I started logging every trolley I saw.

Monday morning I received a phone call from someone at Trolley Tracker telling my that I was one of the five national winners for the month of August and if I could get myself to the Wollies on Saturday morning to pick up my $1000 Woolworths wish gift card prize! What kind of luck is that?! Wonderful luck!

I went over this morning and sufficiently embarrassed myself as I had to get a photo taken of the store manager giving me the gift vouchers so that management knew that I came to pick the vouchers up again. Super super awkward!

But through that pain, I now have $500 to spend at Dan Murpheys, Woolworths petrol stations and Big W as well as $500 to spend on our groceries at Woolworths.

When I told my boyfriend, he laughed so hard! He had began to nickname me the trolley Nazi because of all the trollies I was logging. But it sure paid off!

I highly recommend you log a trolley or two whenever you remember. It could win you a few weeks of groceries! You can check it out here.


Thursday 26 September 2013

The Dress!

Hey guys

On my way home from work a few days ago I was walking past the QVB and noticed this beautiful dress in the window of Country Road.

Luckily they had it in my size and when I put it on I felt so beautiful and happy. That NEVER happens to me when I wear clothes. EVER!

I'm not going to say Country Road clothes are incredibly cheap, but I thought it would be $180 as a absolute maximum but when I checked the price tag I almost had a heart attack! $299. In the most melodramatic way possible, I had to have it. I put it on layby.

I'm going to wear it to my birthday! I'm so excited for the big day, it'll be so much fun! I've already got the shoes to match which I bought a year or two ago now all I have to think about is my make up and hair.

Here is the dress, you can get it from Country Road here:

While I was also in Country Road I tried on a few things that I am going to be adding to my wish list, here they are below:

This is one of the first times I have liked almost every item Country Road have brought out. A lot of the time there is only one item I really like and the rest of the collection is a little 'meh'.


Fossil Beauty

Hey ladies & gents!

I can feel summer in the air; It's getting hotter, more humid and the days are longer. I like summer but it's meant I be spring! Spring is my favourite season because it's not too hot an not too cold but absolutely just right. The flowers are starting to bloom and the whole city seems brighter an lighter. I also like spring because my birthday is in spring!

This year I turn the big two, one and I am officially legal in all countries which is pretty cool. I guess I now consider myself an adult and well on my way to independence. 

This has been such a huge year for me. I left my comfortable family business job for a (at times) difficult and stressful job in Sydney CBD. I got my red P's so I can now drive solo and bought a car a few days later. My boyfriend, Andrew and I both moved out of the family home into a small unit closer to the CBD which has been an interesting learning experience that I have enjoyed so much.

I look at everything I've accomplished and I am so proud of myself. For the first time in my life I'm not focusing on the negative parts of my life, but seeing the big picture and in all honesty, I really like what I see. I'm very proud to be me and incredibly thankful for everyone's support that has got me to this point.

I don't think I am perfect, I know I have parts of me that I need to work on but I'm heading in the right direction and if I go off track, I know that there are people who love me who will keep me going the right way.

Backtracking to my birthday (AKA Festival De La Lucy) my amazingly amazing boyfriend gave me an early present! It's a beautiful and elegant Fossil watch. It's called the Georgia Mini Three Hand Stainless Steel Watch. You can get a similar kind in rose here. My watch isn't on the website yet (it's that new), the lady at the shop said that they only just got them ordered in and I was the first person to get one.

I always thought that watches looked silly on me because they made my wrist look huge, but now that I have this one I want a collection! Honestly, I've always loved watches especially Fossil watches. I think they are so classic and elegant and that's what I think a watch is meant to be.

I chose the gold and black version because it will go with almost everything I already own. In the photos it comes out looking very gold, but it actually is a rose colour.  The clock hands are glow in the dark which I thought was pretty nifty.

On an equally exciting note, I pick up my car tomorrow! I'm so excited about it. I'm not excited about paying for petrol and insurance but I am very happy about the freedom having my own car brings and with that comes some financial restrictions.
