Wednesday 2 October 2013

It's raining...

Hello Hello,

It's raining in the city today. I really like rain but not when I forget my umbrella! I really should start checking the weather before I leave for work in the morning.
I did check my phone about half an hour ago and it said that it had a 40% chance of raining even through it is 100% raining outside. I should turn on Sunrise and watch the weather on there but I can't seem to do it. I need absolute silence when getting ready in the mornings. Strange, huh? I think it stems back to when I was smaller, there was a "no TV in the morning" rule and I guess it just stuck with me.
Lately I've been really wanting to get back into Pilates but classes are so expensive, almost $50 a lesson! I've been thinking about joining Fernwood Fitness.
It's an all women's gym that offers group classes. It will cost me $26 a week which is a little pricey but with that I have access to unlimited classes and gym facilities, they also provide breakfast, tea and coffee which is pretty cool. I'm currently going to a random 24/7 gym which is alright but I'd really like to start doing weights but I find it so intimidating going into the weight section. What have been your experiences with gyms?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for stopping by at my blog and your lovely comment!

    Finding the right gym makes such a big difference, as before I also was too embarrassed of using the weight section but now I'm loving it and it made such a big difference to my posture!

    Greetings from London,
