Thursday 26 September 2013

Fossil Beauty

Hey ladies & gents!

I can feel summer in the air; It's getting hotter, more humid and the days are longer. I like summer but it's meant I be spring! Spring is my favourite season because it's not too hot an not too cold but absolutely just right. The flowers are starting to bloom and the whole city seems brighter an lighter. I also like spring because my birthday is in spring!

This year I turn the big two, one and I am officially legal in all countries which is pretty cool. I guess I now consider myself an adult and well on my way to independence. 

This has been such a huge year for me. I left my comfortable family business job for a (at times) difficult and stressful job in Sydney CBD. I got my red P's so I can now drive solo and bought a car a few days later. My boyfriend, Andrew and I both moved out of the family home into a small unit closer to the CBD which has been an interesting learning experience that I have enjoyed so much.

I look at everything I've accomplished and I am so proud of myself. For the first time in my life I'm not focusing on the negative parts of my life, but seeing the big picture and in all honesty, I really like what I see. I'm very proud to be me and incredibly thankful for everyone's support that has got me to this point.

I don't think I am perfect, I know I have parts of me that I need to work on but I'm heading in the right direction and if I go off track, I know that there are people who love me who will keep me going the right way.

Backtracking to my birthday (AKA Festival De La Lucy) my amazingly amazing boyfriend gave me an early present! It's a beautiful and elegant Fossil watch. It's called the Georgia Mini Three Hand Stainless Steel Watch. You can get a similar kind in rose here. My watch isn't on the website yet (it's that new), the lady at the shop said that they only just got them ordered in and I was the first person to get one.

I always thought that watches looked silly on me because they made my wrist look huge, but now that I have this one I want a collection! Honestly, I've always loved watches especially Fossil watches. I think they are so classic and elegant and that's what I think a watch is meant to be.

I chose the gold and black version because it will go with almost everything I already own. In the photos it comes out looking very gold, but it actually is a rose colour.  The clock hands are glow in the dark which I thought was pretty nifty.

On an equally exciting note, I pick up my car tomorrow! I'm so excited about it. I'm not excited about paying for petrol and insurance but I am very happy about the freedom having my own car brings and with that comes some financial restrictions.


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